STARFiSH Newsletter No. 26

分類 : STARFiSH Newsletter

蘇格登單一麥芽威士忌與帥哥名廚柯堤斯史東激創酒食火花 創造完美佳餚新境界

帥哥魅力風靡全台 施展廚藝擄獲眾人口“胃”


為延續蘇格登酒食搭配新概念,蘇格登與STARFiSH團隊特別企劃邀請到澳洲帥哥名廚柯堤斯史東(Curtis Stone)前來台灣為蘇格登單一麥芽威士忌設計專屬蘇格登套餐-芙蓉鮮蝦雲吞湯、鮟康魚柳佐黃金咖哩醬、嫩煎羊排佐香料、蘇格登威士忌咖啡奶油布蕾四道以東方食材烹調而成的特色料理,酒中所含的豐醇口感與甘美,能提升食物的鮮度與美味,更能增加用餐的愉快氣氛與樂趣,強調出威士忌也是能夠輕鬆搭配,增加更多的酒食搭配與樂趣,藉由亞洲料理激發非凡口感!


蘇格登與STARFiSH團隊為達賓主盡歡,特別為柯堤斯史東(Curtis Stone)規劃來台滿檔行程:南門市場巡禮、學習製作中國元宵、大啖台灣傳統小吃以及台北特色景點遊覽等等,讓柯堤斯史東(Curtis Stone)大讚台灣人如其名是個擁有各種驚奇美妙寶藏的美麗寶島!同時,STARFiSH不僅安排各大報紙週刊雜誌媒體專訪柯堤斯史東(Curtis Stone)結合蘇格登活動傳達酒食搭配新概念,TVBS電視節目「生活好事兒」更邀請柯堤斯史東(Curtis Stone)上節目與主持人郁芳共同搭檔示範蘇格登專屬菜單,讓酒食搭配成為餐桌上的最佳選擇。而媒體記者會當天湧進大批媒體與粉絲爭相一見國際偶像魅力,柯堤斯史東(Curtis Stone)除了親手烹調鮟康魚柳佐黃金咖哩醬供媒體記者享用,更隨機挑選一位女記者上台與他共同作菜,施展他迷人帥氣的笑容與風範,不僅擄獲現場眾人目光,大廚的好手藝也不禁讓在場的觀眾為之傾迷!此次蘇格登活動廣受好評,每日媒體也不斷報導刊登有關柯堤斯史東(Curtis Stone)與蘇格登活動訊息,為品牌宣傳達到最高峰!


Singleton X Curtis Stone Making Gourmet Magic in Taiwan

Singleton, the preferred singleton malt whisky in Taiwan, set the standard for the market in pairing gourmet in its product. The latest was the talk of the town gourmet campaign featuring Curtis Stone, the famous television celebrity known for his role as “the take home chef”.

Curtis created a set meal featuring four tailored made dishes created especially for enjoyment with Singleton. These dishes incorporated local ingredients making them easily accessible by consumers. However, the rich flavor created a balance best suited for Singleton. This was the first time both parties worked on such an original idea and we are certain it will not be the last time both Singleton and Curtis will work together to create more gourmet magic.

During the visit, Curtis Stone held a campaign press conference where not only industry journalists, but also his fans joined the campaign. Curtis also charmed the guests during the three exclusive dinner held at Regent Grand Formosa Hotel. With STARFiSH leading the PR effort, media response to Curtis and Singleton was a tremendous success with record breaking exposure.


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